There 4 type of announcements you can create. Chat, action bar, boss bar and title
Example for sending a message in the chat with an unlimited number of lines.
# Type of announcement. (CHAT, ACTIONBAR, BOSSBAR, TITLE)type:CHAT# Content of announcement.lines: - "&6Hello my name is %player_name%"
Example for sending an action bar message above the inventory.
# Type of announcement. (CHAT, ACTIONBAR, BOSSBAR, TITLE)type:ACTIONBAR# Content of announcement.lines: - "&6Hello my name is %player_name%"
Example for creating a boss bar announcement.
# Type of announcement. (CHAT, ACTIONBAR, BOSSBAR, TITLE)type:BOSSBARbossbar:# Color of bossbar. (BLUE, GREEN, PINK, PURPLE, RED, WHITE, YELLOW)color:RED# Style of bossbar. (PROGRESS, NOTCHED_6, NOTCHED_10, NOTCHED_12, NOTCHED_20)style:PROGRESS# Progress of bossbar. (0.0 - 1.0)progress:1.0# Time of bossbar. (1 - 60 seconds)time:5# Content of announcement.lines: - "&6Hello my name is %player_name%"
Example for sending a title with an optional subtitle.
# Type of announcement. (CHAT, ACTIONBAR, BOSSBAR, TITLE)type:TITLE# Content of announcement.lines: - "&6Hello my name is %player_name%" - "Subtitle"